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He Will Lead You

One time when I was trekking in Nepal, I was extremely exhausted. Every step was heavy. The LORD cheered me on by putting in my heart the song All the Way My Saviour Leads Me. Then when I lifted my head, I was delighted to see a small waterfall from afar. I wouldn’t have noticed it due to weary steps but God must have directed my eyes there. Truly, gushing from a rock before me, a spring of joy I see. I was uplifted in my spirit and strengthened to walk on.

All the way my Saviour leads me

What have I to ask beside?

Can I doubt His faithful mercies?

Who through life has been my guide

Heavenly peace, divinest comfort

Ere by faith in Him to dwell

For I know whate'er fall me

Jesus doeth all things well

All of the way my Saviour leads me

And He cheers each winding path I tread

Gives me strength for every trial

And He feeds me with the living bread

And though my weary steps may falter

And my soul a-thirst may be

Gushing from a rock before me,

Lo a spring of joy I see

Are your steps weary? Know that Jesus doeth all things well. As you walk every step with Him , He will direct you and you will be strengthened.

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah‬ ‭30:21‬ ‭

Read how God leads me in and through my Wilderness in Precious Moments in the Wilderness.

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