The Amazing Moments
My Lunatic Fringe
My Journey with a Boy with ADHD
My Journey with FAS Kids to Sarawak
My Journey into the Village Schools in China
The Aha! Moments
My Being is More Important Than My Doing
"I Think I Am Under a Curse!”
“I Would Never be Able to Please Her.”
The Affecting Moments
As a Counsellor
“Am I Mad, Sad or Bad?”
Because She Never Gave Up on Me
The heartAche Moments
Why Do People Cry?
"I Remember What You Taught Me.”
The Always Moments
It Felt Like the First Date
Always Do the Right Thing
The Ahoy! Moments
Ahoy! Watch Out for Sleepless Nights
Ahoy! Watch out for What You Pray For
The Adieu Moments
I Saw David
I Flushed My Mobile Away
The Amusing Moments
The Cake That Collapsed and Melted My Heart
The Alleluia Moments.
Love Feasts
Those Who Sow in Tears Reap in Joy
Efforts Being Recognised
The Awesome Moments
Keyboard Boomerang
Be Comforted
Precious Moments of a Teacher (Hard Copy)
PRECIOUS MOMENTS OF A TEACHER puts together stories that tug the heart. It chronicles a teacher’s journey with her students, the parents, and her colleagues and friends. Inspiring and touching, these stories will spur those who work with children to make a difference in their lives. This book will refresh weary souls, invigorate lukewarm hearts and stimulate others to encourage and build up lives.