My Wilderness Journey
In the Shadow of His Hand
A Poem – This Wilderness
The Ouch Moments
The Power of Weakness
Of Pain, Pain and Pain
The Oasis Moments
Desert Friends’ Hospitality
Drinking from Streams in the Desert
Discovering Treasures at Singapore Association for Mental Health
The Overstrung Moments
Why Did the Doors Shut?
Why Is Grief So Profound?
Why Must I Keep Waiting?
The Overseas Moments
Footsteps in China
Adventures in Colourful Kyoto
Flattened but Not Forsaken in Cambodia
He Holds My Every Moment in Taiwan
God’s Goodness Runs Over in Sydney
The Oscar Moments
God Announced That Time Is Smashed!
God Articulated His Big Heart in Small Stories
God Asked for a Chapter to Include His Letter
Precious Moments in the Wilderness (Hard Copy)
PRECIOUS MOMENTS IN THE WILDERNESS is a journal of God's love story with His child. Transparent and touching, these stories will echo many sentiments in the hearts of those who are in the wilderness journey. This book will tug at your heart to fall in love with Jesus again and again and inspire you to pursue intimacy with God.